Makes Data Handling and Data Integrity easy
In a global development process, DATA EXCHANGE is an integral daily task, facilitating seamless collaboration. TECHNIAs X4.0 and XFileV5 solutions are enabling the transfer of complex file sets between collaborating departments and international partners.
DATA MIGRATION projects, which involve transferring data from one system or environment to another, can be challenging due to various factors like data complexity, data volume, data quality, etc. TECHNIAs Q-Checker and XFileV5 solutions are analyzing CATIA V5 assembly structures and maintaining data integrity, accuracy and quality.
Aggregated File Management to efficiently collect all files linked to the root file within a consolidated (.tar) container. Streamlined unpacking and preservation of .tar containers while preserving the complete structure of CATIA V5 files.
Comprehensive directory analysis to uncover relationships between CATIA V5 root documents and their linked counterparts. Ensure structural integrity by promptly detecting missing files, safeguarding the overall functionality of the structure.
Execute bulk modifications effortlessly, relocating both the root document and its associated files while maintaining data consistency and link integrity. Batch property customization allows renaming file names, part numbers, revisions, and other properties collectively, without the need for manual intervention.
Efficient deletion processes with a structured deletion approach for CATIA V5 structures or specific components within those structures. Empower users to selectively retain files, providing control and flexibility in the deletion process.