SIMULIA Abaqus/Explicit is the ideal solution for simulating brief transient dynamic events such as ballistic impact, automotive crashworthiness and consumer electronics drop testing. Abaqus/Explicit is extremely effective at handling severely non-linear behaviour, such as the slow crushing of energy absorbing devices.

Main Features

Accurate Solutions

A robust explicit solver for performing highly accurate high-speed dynamic events.

Scalable Calculation Speed

Speed up your analysis with excellent parallelisation, utilising multi-cpu processors.

Multiphysics Technologies

Multiple technologies like CEL, SPH & DEM to perform multiphysics simulations.

Switch Between Solvers

Go from implicit to explicit, or vice versa with the same interface, simply by switching your solver type.

Functionalities of SIMULIA Abaqus/Explicit

Multiphysics Technologies

Use different types of technologies to solve your multi physics challenges
  • CEL – Coupled Eularian Lagrangian
    Expand the scope of Abaqus beyond the usual finite element domain, allowing, amongst other things, complex fluid structural interaction problems to be tackled. CEL combines fluid domains modelled in a traditional CFD manner with normal explicit structural elements.
  • SPH – Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
    SPH uses a particle approach, which can consider objects to be either fluid or solid, and these can again interact with traditional finite element models. Both approaches allow complex fluid structural interactions to be modelled, as well as high strain and other extreme events that challenge more traditional modelling techniques.
  • DEM – Discrete Element Modelling
    DEM is used for modelling of interactions between large numbers of individual particles. The particles are treated as rigid particles. DEM is different from SPH which models continuum materials. This technology can be used for stone and rock handling, sorting devices for granular materials and mixers.

Analysis Types for the Explicit Domain

Abaqus Explicit can perform high-speed dynamic events
  • Nonlinear dynamic stress/displacement
  • Acoustics
  • Adiabatic stress
  • Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL)
  • Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
  • Discrete Element Modelling (DEM)
  • Coupled field > Thermo-mechanical > Shock and acoustic structural

Scalable Solution Speed

Abaqus/Explicit can efficiently use your available CPU with a sufficient token pool.

Many challenges need additional computation power to solve in a useful timeframe, and Abaqus software supports working on HPC environments. Abaqus scales very effectively until 264 CPU processors.

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