“We can do things that were impossible before,” said Enbacka who was a speaker on the subject “Two years after the implementation of PLM” at the TECHNIA PLM Innovation Forum in Stockholm.

TUI Nordic specializes in providing tailor-made package tours to destinations worldwide. Traditionally, package tours have been pretty straightforward with little room to accommodate individual demands.

How has PLM Changed This Practice?

“We have 36 points of departure in the Nordic area. We seek out suitable hotels, look for special deals, arrange transfers without delays, match activities with customer preferences, and so on. In short, we can provide highly complicated and specialized products.”

TUI Nordic has decided to invest in a PLM solution in order to reinvent our product creation process for the Charter business. TECHNIA will be our partner in this journey to create a better travel offering and experience for our clients,”  says Tor Claussen, Director of Product, Content, and Aviation at TUI Nordic.

How Does PLM Help?

“PLM provides a structure for scattered bits and pieces of information. In the past, our travel products were planned and produced in several systems, one system for every little piece in the puzzle. We had different sources of information and the products were not connected to one another. Now, we have one source of information where we have all the products under the same roof.”

“We can connect travel products to each other and combine them as we like. We can send triggers to consuming systems and messages to colleagues around the world. Having one source of information also allows us to create advanced planning tools.”

“Another advantage is that we can recycle information in the database. It eliminates extra work and reduces errors, which is a risk when staffers work with different versions of information.”

Why Did You Decide to Explore a PLM Solution?

“PLM is used by all kinds of industries, but we were the first in the travel industry. Our customers wanted travel arrangements that were more personalized travel than we could provide with our previous system. TECHNIA showed us that PLM can be used to customize travel. Together with TECHNIA, we keep developing our system.”

About TUI Nordic

TUI Nordic is the biggest charter tour provider in the Nordic area and operates under Fritidsresor and other brands. TUI Nordic is part of TUI Group, a world-leading tourist travel company with about 180 destinations around the world.


Discover more about TECHNIA’s PLM solutions for the Consumer Services industry.

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