This guide will go through how to set the rules on each of the licences using the DS License Server utility.

1) Go to Start > All Programs > DS License Server > License Server Administration

2) Select the computer name > RMB > Connect  OR  Select the computer name > Connect (icon)

DSLS Licence Authorisation 1

3) Click on the Authorizations tab

DSLS Licence Authorisation 2

4) RMB > Add

DSLS Licence Authorisation 3

5) You can choose from User, Host or IPRange e.g. Select Host and type the computer name > OK

DSLS Licence Authorisation 4 

6) Hosts are added to the list

DSLS Licence Authorisation 5

7) RMB in groups > Add

DSLS Licence Authorisation 6 

8) Create a group name > Select hosts and move across into Host group members. Click OK when finished

DSLS Licence Authorisation 7

9) Select licence from list on the right pane > RMB > Add new rule > Allow

DSLS Licence Authorisation 8

10) Click Yes

DSLS Licence Authorisation 9

11) Select Type: Host group and Name: CATIA Licence User  > Click Add

DSLS Licence Authorisation 10

12) The group has now been added to the list. Click OK to close.

DSLS Licence Authorisation 11

The icon for the licence has now changed to green to indicate that there is a rule on it.

DSLS Licence Authorisation 12

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