Committed to Always Exceed Customers’ Expectations

Our customers are world leaders in their respective businesses and their requirements and expectations on us as a partner and supplier are increasing all the time. That their requirements and expectations increase all the time is normal business operations, and lies also behind the fact why they have become so successful. To meet these expectations, we need to have a structured approach to constantly improving our processes and offerings in a measurable way. Many of our customers also live in a highly regulated environment and we believe that our increased focus on quality and environmental aspects will strongly contribute to our common success!

We also strongly believe that we need to reduce our environmental impact by constantly improving our internal operations. For us, the most significant environmental aspects are our emission of CO2 through business travelling, our paper consumption and also on the positive side the system support and training we provide to our customers in areas like Materials Compliance management and other direct operational efficiency effects of successful PLM implementations such as reduced scrap and electronic documentation.

Another great benefit is that we now have a solid foundation for our future growth! A new employee can faster adopt our corporate values and promises as a company, and what responsibilities that follows in a much easier way than before.

Management Systems Establishes a Common Platform for our Policies

We have created a management system structure with a common base platform in policies for various things like quality, environmental areas, equality, code of conduct, etc. This is where the TECHNIA culture and our positions on important topics that previously was floating freely in the air is now expressed in words and is also where we give practical form to our promises to our customers, employees, the planet and our partners.

The way we work is defined in our processes. The main processes for a company like TECHNIA are sales, project delivery and product development and then there are several supporting processes like finance, IT, quality, environmental, purchasing, support, security, and HR. For all our processes, we have a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that we follow up on a quarterly basis and are the main indicators that our processes are efficient and of course also constantly improving over time.

A cornerstone throughout TECHNIA’s history has been our way to interact and get guidance from our customers on our future. We are doing this in one-on-one sessions but also at for example Customer Advisory Boards, product forums and questionnaires but also as an integrated part of our agile delivery methodology. The importance of this is further emphasized with our ISO certification where the need for customer feedback to ensure that we are meeting or exceeding expectations and requirements is clearly expressed and also audited on at least a yearly basis by an external certification body.

The Road Ahead

Our journey has just begun with the ISO certifications. This has been the easy part. But we are all very committed to make it a part of our DNA to continuously improve the way we work internally and with our customers in this fashion. We really welcome all input on how we can improve and are also more than happy to talk more about what we have done and how we think in these matters.

All the best,


CAE/Plug-ins Explained by Richard Craven
CATIA V5: Transitioning from LUM to DSLS (CATIA V5R21)
At TECHNIA, we pave the way for your innovation, creativity and profitability.

We combine industry-leading Product Lifecycle Management tools with specialist knowledge, so you can enjoy the journey from product concept to implementation. Our experience makes it possible to keep things simple, personal and accessible so that together we transform your vision into value.

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